"All things were made

who is Concordia?
Get to know our congregation and our ministry.
Concordia Lutheran Church, in Kingsport, Tennessee, is a warm family of forgiven sinners who have come together to:
• Practice God’s presence in dynamic worship
• Experience vibrant faith through Bible study, meditation, and prayer
• Maintain active service in bold witness for Jesus’ sake
• Enjoy Christian fellowship for ongoing encouragement
• Practice God’s presence in dynamic worship
• Experience vibrant faith through Bible study, meditation, and prayer
• Maintain active service in bold witness for Jesus’ sake
• Enjoy Christian fellowship for ongoing encouragement
• Extend our friendship with God to the community and the world
• Live our mission: “To know Christ and to make Him known"
Come and visit. Your voice, your hands, your heart are welcome.
• Live our mission: “To know Christ and to make Him known"
Come and visit. Your voice, your hands, your heart are welcome.
You are welcome
The word “Concordia” means in one accord, or with one heart. As part of Christ’s church, we are trying to live that name every day, in worship, service, and praise. Gathering to learn, grow, and support one another is a blessing. Learning to listen to and rely on God’s strength is a privilege.
Sunday School
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Sunday Worship
10:30 a.m.
WE are called to serve
As members of the Body of Christ, we are called to serve others using the gifts and talents with which the Lord has blessed us. At Concordia Lutheran Church, we have many opportunities to serve our Lord as we serve others in our Kingsport community, throughout the Appalachian Highlands region, and with national and global service and outreach initiatives.

Volunteers prepared Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief

Volunteers prepared Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief global ministries.
Easter worship 2019, Christ is Risen, Alleluia!
Concordia is "The Watermelon Church" at the annual Lynn Garden Fun Fest Block Party.