Social Ministry
Social Ministry at Concordia reaches out to community families-in-need by organizing a food basket fundraiser, which provides food baskets for these families at Thanksgiving. Social Ministry organizes Concordia’s school supplies drive for a local elementary school and the Operation Christmas Child project. Concordia’s participation in community ministries such as Family Promise (Interfaith Hospitality Network) and Kingsport Community Ministry Center (KCMC) is also organized within Social Ministry. Four or five times a year Concordia provides receptionists for a week at a time at KCMC. Concordia reaches out to KCMC clients by providing them with Bibles. Concordia serves as a support church for Family Promise (formerly Interfaith Hospitality Network), providing meals and volunteers for the homeless families sheltered in other community churches.
women's ministry
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) Concordia’s women’s ministry group is affiliated with the National and Mid-South District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. As the name implies its purpose is to further the spreading the Gospel. This is done by gathering “mites” for missions, promoting Bible study and helping women serve the Lord with their gifts and talents.
The group meets four times a year for planning and business meetings, sponsors bi-monthly afternoon Bible Studies, and coordinates a number of service projects throughout the year.
The group meets four times a year for planning and business meetings, sponsors bi-monthly afternoon Bible Studies, and coordinates a number of service projects throughout the year.
prayer ministry
Prayer services • Throughout the Church Year, various Feasts, Festivals and Commemorations are observed with a service of evening prayer. These events help us appreciate the wider communion of saints and the faithfulness of God to preserve His Church throughout history.
Prayer chain • Members and friends of Concordia share prayer concerns through an e-mail prayer chain. If you would like to ask for prayer, or if you would like to be part of the prayer chain to pray for others, click here. [mailto:, should forward to secretary]
Members in Touch • 9:30 a.m., first and third Monday • Check calendar for location
Members in Touch is a gathering of women who believe in the power of prayer and are acting on that belief. We meet twice a month to thank God for our many blessings and pray for our pastor, our church and its leaders, members and friends in need, and our country. All women are welcome!
Prayer chain • Members and friends of Concordia share prayer concerns through an e-mail prayer chain. If you would like to ask for prayer, or if you would like to be part of the prayer chain to pray for others, click here. [mailto:, should forward to secretary]
Members in Touch • 9:30 a.m., first and third Monday • Check calendar for location
Members in Touch is a gathering of women who believe in the power of prayer and are acting on that belief. We meet twice a month to thank God for our many blessings and pray for our pastor, our church and its leaders, members and friends in need, and our country. All women are welcome!
men's ministry
Wednesday Morning Men’s Prayer Group, 8:00 a.m. • The Wednesday morning Men’s Prayer group meets weekly to read and discuss the lessons for the coming Sunday. We also spend time in prayer for our church and community. Check the calendar for location.
Concordia Confessors Men's Group • The Concordia Confessors is a men's group dedicated to developing fellowship, service, and instruction. Check the calendar for meeting dates, times, and location.
Missions we support
In addition to the many local ministries served through our Social Ministry work, Concordia provides support to a variety of national and international missions. These include Lutherans in Africa, Mid-South District of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, The Garuna Foundation, Soldiers of the Cross, Veterans of the Cross, Trinity-Hope Haitian feeding mission, and others.