called to serve: Ministry Teams
As members of the Body of Christ, we are called to serve others using the gifts and talents with which the Lord has blessed us. Through the Ministry Teams (listed below), we have many opportunities to serve our Lord as we serve others at Concordia as well as our local, national, and global communities. The work of the congregation is divided in to five ministry teams, as listed below:
Outreach Ministry Team
The Outreach Ministry Team establishes, promotes, and encourages activities focused on witnessing and service to the outside community. The Outreach Ministry Team's mission is to reach people in the community who need to be welcomed into the body of Christ and empower each Concordia member for a personal life mission in the world. Within this team, subteams focus on Evangelism, Social Ministry, and Public Relations.
Discipleship Ministry Team
Discipleship Ministry Team establishes, promotes, and encourages activities focused on education and building up the church, "to equip the saints." The Discipleship Ministry Team's mission is to help believers become grounded in the Christian faith and grow in their participation in the body of Christ; and to equip and deploy each believer for a ministry by developing their God-given gifts of time, talents, and treasures. This team includes activities focused on Christian Education, Sunday School, and Stewardship. The Men's and Women's ministry groups, Bible studies, and financial planning activities are part of the Discipleship Ministry Team, too.
Family Care Ministry Team
Family Care Ministry Team establishes, promotes, and encourages activities focused on "building up the body of Christ," to strengthen the relationships between members and provide care and service to members in need. The Family Care Ministry Team helps Concordia members and guests develop meaningful caring relationships with other members and connect church members in small groups. Fellowship activities, Youth groups and activities, seasonal parties, and small group ministries are all part of Family Care.
Worship & Music Ministry Team
Worship & Music Ministry Team establishes, promotes, and encourages activities focused on the worship services and music for worship and outreach. This team's mission is to serve our Lord and fellow members by enhancing our worship experiences and music, maintaining good order in worship, and providing worship that is meaningful, accessible, and inviting to both members and visitors. The Altar Guild, Choirs, worship assistants, audio/visual assistants, praise team, and other worship-related roles and activities are part of this team. A representative from the Board of Elders serves on this team.
Operations Ministry Team
Operations Ministry Team establishes, promotes, and encourages activities for the maintenance and care of the physical facilities and resources for conducting the business of the church. The Operations Ministry Team's mission is to provide care for the church's property so that it is suitable for the ministries and activities, protect the property from damage or loss, and provides welcoming facilities for church members and the community. The team plans regular Saturday work days so all members and friends can get involved in the maintenance and operations activities. Check the calendar for schedule.