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22nd Sunday of Pentecost

Oct 20, 2024    Pastor Paul Becker

Even as we gladly receive the perfect rest of Jesus amidst the storms of life, we eagerly seek to continually enter it ourselves and invite our neighbors to experience the peace of trusting God’s undeserved kindness for themselves. 

1. The perfect rest that Jesus gives from His boundless love

a. We rest from our own works as God does from His 

b. When the Holy Spirit speaks through the Word 

2. The desire to continually enter His rest and know it better

a. I was glad when they said to me, let’s go to God’s House 

b. To see more clearly, love more dearly, follow more nearly 

3. The urgency that no one miss His rest through unbelief

a. As on the day of Testing and Complaining in the wilderness 

b. God’s Word exposes thoughts and motives of the heart 

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