13th Sunday of Pentecost
Aug 18, 2024 • Pastor Paul Becker
Instead of seeking or imitating the world’s false and empty promises, followers of Jesus are
continually filled up in the Spirit of God as we delight in the spoken and visible Word that creates a
new, growing community in which we enter abundant, eternal life.
1. Filled up in the Spirit with the spoken Word
a. Read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the Word
b. Singing in your heart to the Lord
2. Filled up in the Spirit with the visible Word
a. This is the worship of the New Testament
b. The Lord’s Supper is celebrated every Sunday
3. Filled up in the Spirit as members of a new community
a. The evil one hates family, church/religion and property
b. Being subject to, giving honor and preference to one another