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14th Sunday of Pentecost

Aug 25, 2024    Pastor Paul Becker

Having been made members of the body of Christ in Holy Baptism, we are to enter the mystery of

marriage in which husbands love their wives as Christ loves the Church and wives respect their

husbands as the Church honors Christ.

1. As baptized believers, we are free to enter the mystery of marriage

a. Fathers and mothers make future husbands and wives

b. Being subject to one another takes on greater meaning

2. As baptized believers, wives are called to reflect the Church’s respect

a. As to the head of the Church

b. As to the One who is its Savior

3. As baptized believers, husbands are called to reflect the Savior’s love

a. As if she were his own body: a greater Golden Rule

b. Forsaking all others, to her in splendid salvation