Transfiguration Sunday
Feb 27, 2022 • Pastor Paul Becker
In the glorious Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus, we see God’s plan for our salvation, as well as its power and purpose fulfilled in the lives of forgiven sinners.
1. God’s rescue plan revealed as Jesus’ glory blazes with light
a. Jesus’ full humanity seen in His Particularity and His prayer
b. Jesus’ full divinity seen as clothes become dazzling white
2. God’s power to rescue seen in Moses and Elijah’s appearance
a. God’s power to save in the Passover / Sinai / Tabernacle
b. God’s power to save on Mt. Carmel / Ascension
3. God’s purpose in saving through Jesus’ death in Jerusalem
a. Reveals the full extent of God’s love for mankind
b. Theology of the Cross defines the Church / the Christian