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Second Sunday in Easter 2021

Apr 11, 2021    Pastor Paul F. Becker    1 John 1:3

As we become increasingly aware of the joy that our fellowship with God bring into our
lives, all of our energy and efforts will serve the expansion of this supernatural reality into all the world that He loves.

1. We become aware of the joy as God reveals Himself to us
a) The eternal God was touched, seen and heard in the flesh
b) We too are eye-witnesses of Jesus, the Word of Life

2. We become aware of the joy as God invites us into fellowship
a) Fellowship with the Father and with Jesus Christ, His Son
b) God makes use of forgiven sinners to extend His invitation

3. We become aware of the joy as a supernatural expansion occurs
a) God’s business becomes our business
b) The more home groups expand the greater the joy they bring