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Easter Sunday 2021

Apr 4, 2021    Pastor Paul F. Becker    Mark 16:4–7

Whenever we honestly investigate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we will be
convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is both risen from the dead and going
before us into a life forever free from the power of sin and the fear of disease, dying and

1) Honest investigation into Jesus’ death/resurrection dispels doubt
a) The myrrh-bearing women were not deterred
b) All who truly search the Scriptures will find their heart filled

2) Neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
a) Do not be alarmed! You seek Jesus, who was crucified
b) He is not here. See the place where they laid Him.

3) Tell His disciples – and especially Peter – He is going!
a) Risen, ascended, glorified, coming again as Judge of all
b) We need fear no more the power of sin and death