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10th Sunday of Pentecost

Aug 6, 2023    Pastor Paul Becker

Faced with our inability to grasp the immensity of His compassion, Jesus requests what little we have to offer, multiplies it to the miraculous satisfaction of a vast crowd and removes all doubt with 12 baskets left over. 

1. In compassion, Jesus invites us to participate in His work

a. He gladly accepts our meager resources 

b. He includes us in the distribution of His blessings 

2. In compassion, Jesus miraculously multiplies till all are satisfied

a. His Kingdom of grace has both supernatural cause and effect 

b. He refreshes and preserves us in body and soul unto life everlasting 

3. In compassion, Jesus removes all doubt about His complete sufficiency

a. When He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand 

b. Upholding all things by the word of His power