Easter Sunday
The same God who saved his people from the Destroying Angel by the blood of a Passover Lamb will bring them through death and resurrection as they pass through the Red Sea and provide a divine deliverance from the forces of sin and death as Pharaoh and his host are swept away in the waters.
1. God recognizes our natural fear of suffering and death.
a. 600 chariots pursuing run-a-way slaves
b. Jesus’ agony in the Garden of Gethsemane
2. God acts in a mighty way to save His people
a. The children of Israel went into the Sea on dry ground
b. Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection open the gate of eternal life
3. God delivers His people from sin, death, and the Devil
a. Not so much as one of Pharaoh’s armies remained
b. Jesus’ empty tomb brings hope and joy to all the world