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17th Sunday of Pentecost

Sep 24, 2023    Pastor Paul Becker

In the Kingdom of heaven, people receive neither what they deserve nor that for which they have worked so hard, but only what the kindness and generosity of God who desires all men to be saved has determined. 

1. People come into the Kingdom when God calls them 

a. Jesus never tires of seeking workers for His vineyard 

b. Our value comes only in being among the chosen 

2. In the Kingdom of Heaven all work and workers have equal worth 

a. Some bear the burden of the day and the scorching heat 

b. Others come later in the day and fear their efforts fall short 

3. In the Kingdom of Heaven all depends on God’s kindness and generosity 

a. I am an unworthy servant, I have only done my duty 

b. How will He not along with Jesus freely give us all things?