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Fourth Sunday in Lent 2022

Mar 27, 2022    Pastor Paul Becker

When those who have turned their backs on God -- spiritually dead and lost in a wilderness of sin – when they are brought back to life we are invited to experience true joy with the angels of heaven who make merry and are glad over one sinner who turns to God.

1. Turning our backs on God robs us of true joy
a. He took a journey into a far country
b. A severe famine arose, and he began to be in need

2. Turning back to God makes the return of true joy possible
a. I will arise and go to my father
b. His father ran, embraced him and kissed him

3. God wants everyone to make merry and be glad
a. This Man welcomes / receives sinners and eats with them!
b. Son, you are always with me and all that is mine is yours