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Fifth Sunday in Lent

Mar 26, 2023    Pastor Paul Becker

Even before His suffering and death, Jesus reveals His true identity, what it means to belong to Him and how those who trust and follow Him may be recognized in this world. 

1. In raising Lazarus, Jesus reveals His true identity

a. He is the One who brings people back to life 

b. He is Life itself (John 1:4) 

2. In raising Lazarus, Jesus tells us what it means to belong to Him

a. The promise of life beyond/after death 

b. The joyful hope of living and believing in Jesus 

3. In raising Lazarus, Jesus shows how to recognize His followers

a. What the heart believes, the mouth confesses (Romans 10:10) 

b. Jesus is the Anointed One, the Son of God come into the world