Third Sunday in Easter 2021
Apr 18, 2021 • Pastor Paul F. Becker • 1 John 3:1–2
As we contemplate deeply what it means to the dear children of such a loving
Father, we are able to bear the weight of our pilgrimage in this world by holding
to the promise of a remarkable reunion ready to be revealed on the Last Day.
1. We are called as dear children of a loving Father
a. Loved with an everlasting love
b. Adopted in Holy Baptism as God’s children
2. We are able to bear the weight of this world only in life together
a. Those who know not the Lord Jesus cannot recognize the members of His
body either
b. Together, good overcomes evil; hatred surrenders to love
3. We are energized by the resurrection promise
a. We shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is
b. A remarkable reunion ready to be revealed on the Last Day